Houston TensorFlow User Group
TensorFlow.org recognizes us as the TF group for Houston (by listing this group on their website, click here) … with support from industry experts, Microsoft, Google, etc.
the "Applied AI" aspect is now under Hybrid_that_AI™
Valentino Moreign — founder, organizer, speaker
Zane Moreign — co-founder, co-organizer, speaker
@ZaneMoreign (or) @TexZane (pun on Texan, and TechZane)
DISCLOSURE: This is our personal community effort ("personal" meaning "by us", Valentino and Zane Moreign), that we launched in 2019 THANKS to the HybridCloudGroup.org™ outreach program, a member benefit that supports its members' efforts, with space, bump, funding, and more.
this is our dedicated space going forward :-)
2024 update: working on expanding this
meanwhile, feel free to contact us to get involved and/or check out our other events
below are some interesting past events
Online Event:
All our user-groups are welcome to participate in this TensorFlow event → FREE 30 Days of Machine Learning
beginner → Kaggle competitor in 30 days. Non-coders welcome.
a month long online event that starts 2021-Aug-2,
all details & sign up at www.kaggle.com/thirty-days-of-ml — enjoy!
Congrats Brothers Moreign {Valentino + Zane} & Massimo Martinelli
for placing 6th out of 7573 teams in a worldwide AI/ML competition
— the only Americans in the top 10 —
register here for the Nov-18 highlights event ... meanwhile, click here for linkedin article
Disclosure: this is the first time ever that Valentino, Zane, Massimo have competed in an AI competition
Below are FEW of our FEATURED "Exclusive Special Events" … followed by latest events ... stay tuned for more!
This PHOTO/PICTURE was taken AFTER the event, SORRY, we do NOT have EVERYONE in this shot!
10-19-2019: HybridCloudNow™ Special "OpenSource⋆AI" Event : {TensorFlow All-Around}
NO PRESS/MEDIA ~&~ NO RECORDINGS even by attendees at this event, per Google's PR.
click here to read more
⥤ to the first 50+ who followed instructions and registered on this site in THREE days!
NOTE: the "3 days" significance — we announced on a Friday of a long-weekend/Monday-off and Tuesday was tax-day — yes, we know we are geniuses :-)to all who followed instructions and registered here/this-site. Sorry, unable to ACCOMMODATE/CONFIRM ALL for this SPECIAL EVENT.
to those who let us know that could not make it, respecting our instructions
to the attendees for respecting our request, and switching off their phones during the event, and making it easy to comply with Google PR's simple terms!
⥤ to our Speaker for being a true friend — thank you Massy!
Massimo Mascaro — was here as a FRIEND of HCCUG.org™ COMMUNITY and is NOT here in his official capacity, i.e., Technical Director of Applied AI at Google.
He has been in pivotal roles at various Tier-1's (e.g., Microsoft Research), and has an uncanny ability to straddle Research and Real-world. What matters to us more is that he is a polite no-bull straight-shooter and above all a genuine person!
PROOF: at no cost to us, he is here on a Saturday, sharing with us his family time!
⥤ to those who helped make this event possible
Google PR for fast tacking the clearance of Massimo to speak and keeping it simple for us!
Microsoft Houston, for sponsoring our venue on a Saturday at no-cost to us
our volunteers, specifically Tin Le, John, and especially Scott Wierschem ... for being there always!
last but not the least, our Founding Patron (Hybrid Decisions Corp) without whom we would NOT be around.
*** Even with all our announcements and multiple notifications that only CONFIRMED registrants can attend ... and NO Walk-ins ... we still had to turn-away folks!
We did this to recognize the MANY folks who TRULY VALUE the amount of effort that so many of us (e.g., Speaker, Volunteers, Sponsors, etc.) put in to make events like this happen especially at NO-COST for our community/attendees ~and~ follow the instructions!
what ⟹ TensorFlow All-Around : Advancements in AI + covering the latest TF2.0
when ⟹ Oct-19, Saturday, CHECK-IN 9:19am
where ⟹ HCCUG.org @ Microsoft, 750 Town and Country Blvd 1000, Houston, TX 77024
✥ ALL CONFIRMATIONS SENT — note: regret we could not accommodate/confirm all who registered
✥ EXTENDED HOURS REGISTRATION is exclusively for those who, (a) are long-time active members, friends, and supporters of our HCCUG.org™ and Houston Linux UG, (b) are already vetted and pre-confirmed, and (c) contacted us and requested for special consideration.
LAUNCH of our Houston TensorFlow & Applied AI/ML User Group on 02-20-2019
click here to read more
⥤ to the first 108 who followed instructions and registered on our HCCUG.org site in THREE days!
NOTE: the "3 days" significance — we announced on the day before Valentine's Day and had to close registrations the day after Valentine's Day — what were we thinking :-)
to all who followed instructions and registered here/this-site!
to those who let us know that could NOT make it, respecting our instructions!
⥤ to Hybrid Decisions Corp, for being our Founding Patron, for sponsoring all our efforts that led to this awesome event, and continuing to fund us with all our endeavors!
Google regional for reaching out to us
⥤ to our volunteers, for being there always!
*** Some folks thought our Feb-20 event was a Google event, so, here's some clarification:
⟹ These are HCCUG.org™ events and our attendees can rest assured that Google (just like all our previous sponsors) is very understanding of our local group's practices — e.g., member privacy, your registration information will not be disclosed/shared without your consent — to date we have NEVER given out our member/attendee list :-)
⟹ HCCUG.org™ periodically runs specific technology focused SPECIAL EVENTS (such as this one) , and we always highlight the Vendor (Google/Microsoft/Snowflake/Canonical) that sponsors a specific event ( in addition to our Patron :-)
⟹ Big-shout out to those who understand us and continue to support us & our values:
Microsoft for recognizing our vendor agnostic, member privacy, and still giving us venue, speakers, content, etc., without even asking to be named co-sponsors of specific events, since 2008
Google, for recognizing & following suit, since 2018
Hybrid Decisions, our Founding Patron, for having funded us since 2008, and helping us grow while keeping our values!